Logistics manager Thomas van Ieperen speaking
Thomas van Ieperen lives in Zwolle, five minutes away from his work. He works as a logistics manager and has been working at Wecovi for 8 years now. He is proud of the developments within the logistics department.
What is he proud of?
I am proud of the developments within the logistics department. Partly due to the renovation and redesign of the current warehouse, we have a completely new warehouse. In addition, we are busy implementing a new WMS system (warehouse management system) that should make the process even more efficient.
For what can people wake you up?
You can wake me up for a good piece of meat with a delicious beer.
What he is doing in his free time?
In my free time I like to hang out with friends, do fun activities and drink a beer with them. Unfortunately, this was not always possbile the past year due to the corona pandemic. I can also enjoy a day of fishing with friends.
What his ultimate holiday is?
My ultimate vacation is a mix between big cities and sunshine. As an example, we had the opportunity to make a beautiful Interrail trip through Eastern Europe. We have visited all the major cities and we have enjoyed the beautiful weather. We had planned a nice trip to Valencia, but unfortunately we had to postpone it twice already
What does his workday look like?
I am responsible for the smooth running of the logistics process. That means that I make sure that everything is brought into storage and from there the orders for the customers are picked. We make sure that the transporter delivers everything to the customer quickly and correctly. Additionally, I am working on a constant optimization of the process.
What does his workday look like in the COVID-19 period?
Whenever possible we work from home. For me this is not always possible as I have to be on location to ship the goods. Within the department, of course, the necessary measures have been taken to ensure a safe working environment.
Why have you enjoyed going to work for years?
Every day is different. Each day brings the necessary challenges which makes it a fun and challenging job. In addition, creating and applying the process optimizations is very nice to do, you see the results of your work reflected in the speed of the process.
What comment you have heard from a customer has stayed with you and will you remember for a long time
During the first corona peak, we had some customers who needed disinfection materials in a hurry. One Saturday my colleague called, to say that a hospital needed disinfection urgently. Together with my colleagues, we made sure that the disinfection was available in the hospital the same day. The customer said they were really thankful for our services, in this way you still have the feeling that you can do something against the corona virus.
What is your goal for 2021?
The biggest project for me this year is a successful implementation of our new WMS system. Implementing this system properly and efficiently without affecting customers is my goal for 2021.