Microfibre: Thorough and sustainable cleaning using only water
Have you noticed that more and more cleaning specialists are choosing Wecoline’s microfibre concept? Interested in reading why?
Reading time: 3,5 minutes
We also see these complaints reflected in the outflow from the sector to the WIA, which is high compared with the national average: the 2019 WIA inflow rate is 0.63 (national rate: 0.28) and is thus the highest in the Netherlands (RAS & SPDI, 2021). A common diagnosis is carpal tunnel syndrome (pain/tingling in the thumb, fingers and palm), which is often caused by bending and by wringing cloths during cleaning.
The research concluded that the use of instruments and tools aimed at preventing physical complaints due to cleaning is very important. Our Wecoline products can help with this. Working ergonomically is the solution to preventing complaints. Our microfibre cloths, ergonomic spray bottle and ergonomic spray handle make it possible to work ergonomically.
Do not hesitate to contact our Wecoline accountmanagers.
Have you noticed that more and more cleaning specialists are choosing Wecoline’s microfibre concept? Interested in reading why?
Do you think it’s impossible to clean and maintain dirty floors in shops, schools, airports, warehouses and factories using only water?
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